2020.07.02 NEWS RELEASE

How the COVID-19 Crisis is Perceived in Japan

Yamaneko Research Institute Inc. conducted an Internet survey targeting 2,229 men and women (before data cleaning) over 18 years old in Japan, in cooperation with Platform for Social Innovation from April 27-28, 2020. The survey was executed by Nikkei Research Inc.


The purpose of this survey is to find out people’s perception on COVID-19, and their economic/psychological status.

According to the survey, close to 90% of the Japanese respondents are concerned of their own health with regard to COVID-19.

Over a third of households have already seen a decrease in their income, and more than half expect a decrease in the future.

A third of part-time workers have lost their pay entirely, and 40% of the self-employed experience a significant decrease of their income.

Between 20-30% of non-full-time workers are temporarily on leave, and half of all workers have concerns towards their future employment. A prolonged Japanese “self-restrain” period to the economy is likely to cause mass unemployment.

You can find the survey results  here.  The full report is also  available.